WELCOME to 2024!!! This will be a year of OUTREACH!
NIGHT OF WORSHIP, PRAYER, & DANCE: Join us at 6pm on the evening of Sunday, Jan. 28th, as The Centre shares THE THREE SECRETS, a special illustrated sermon on the value of prayer (mix of Word & dance). Our worship team will kick off the evening.
HK NEEDS YOU!: Our church has grown substantially, and we’re blessed with so many new children to love and minister to…that’s why we need YOU! You’ll find applications/signups at the HK welcome desk!*
*Highlands Kids Leader/Volunteer TRAINING: To ALL those who plan to serve in HK in 2024 (seasoned and brand new servants), please plan to attend the training meeting on Jan. 28th after service. Lunch will be provided.
HIGHLANDS SHIRTS: Don’t forget to grab one or more of those awesome Highlands shirts! All proceeds go to pay off our church building! We are ready to move forward with some massive outreach plans, let’s knock this out together!
HIGHLANDERS STUDENTS (ages 13-19): We meet each Wed., immediately after worship/announcement in HK3 classroom.
COMMUNITY GROUPS: Visit www.highlandschurchtn.org for more information! Groups will reconvene in January.
- Gardening & Canning group kicks off Jan. 6th and will be Saturday evenings, 5pm-7pm @ church. The supply cost is $15 per person. For info, call Rachael, 931-310-2912
PRAYER REQUESTS (or something to share): If you have a prayer request for the prayer team, a death in your family, a testimony, encouraging word, or an announcement to share, please send them to highlandscotc@gmail.com. If the prayer request concerns anyone other than yourself, please ensure you have that person’s permission before sharing.
Visit WWW.HIGHLANDSCHURCHTN.ORG to give, watch live, view announcements, learn of upcoming events, and find information about current Community Groups.
WORSHIP/WORD: Sunday Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. The cafe will be open at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday. Wednesday worship starts at 6:00 p.m. Dinner every Wed at 5 pm.
TIME OF PRAYER: Join us for prayer in the sanctuary Wednesdays, from 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., and on Sundays, from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Please respect individuals’ quiet prayer time and reserve conversations for outside the sanctuary.