The organizers of Project Bible Runners were overwhelmed when they saw the thousands of bibles donated by Jamestown-area believers this weekend. The approximately 2,500 bibles laid across the stage in the sanctuary were donated not just by Highlands Church, which served as a collection center, but by many area churches and individuals who dropped off boxes of Bibles at the church and radio station WDEB.

On Sunday February 26, the Project’s founders, Jess and Owen Sweitzer, shared amazing testimonies of the impact one Bible has on a family, church or community. In areas of the world where Bibles are rare, families memorize scripture and pass the bible on to others. So one Bible over time will touch dozens of families.

In addition to donating Bibles, Highlands Church members, and youth who organized a Bake Sale, raised an additional $5,000 to purchase native language Bibles.