*Don’t miss the upcoming BAKE SALE, this Sunday, Feb. 12th! All proceeds go to Project Bible Runners! Our Highlanders Youth will be hosting a bake sale, this Sunday, Feb. 12th; all proceeds will go to PBR! How can you help? Please BAKE awesome savory AND sweet goodies; BRING them to HCOTC by 8:45 this Sunday; then BUY yummy goodies to enjoy in the cafe (for breakfast) and to take home!
ATTENTION TO ALL: Sign-ups for Highlands 2023 events are by the HK welcome desk and will be there until Feb. 8th. A planning meeting will soon follow for the “Planning Teams” … THIS IS FOR THE ENTIRE CHURCH to sign up where they would like to participate.
COMMUNITY GROUPS: Check us out on our website. www.highlandschurchtn.org
HIGHLANDS COLLEGE AND CAREER GROUP: We will be kicking off this awesome group soon, so be on the lookout! If you are adult-career age (18+) and would like to be involved, there will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer, or see Seth Vaughn.
UPDATED DATES for HIGHLANDERS MEN’S GROUP: This men’s gathering meets the FIRST and THIRD Friday of each month.
CHRYSALIS UPDATE: The date has been moved to FEB. 18th-20th, Presidents’ Day weekend. If you are interested, you still have time to sign up! Please see Lisa Roysdon, or call her at 931-510-2269.
HIGHLANDERS CARE GROUP: We will be collecting fleece blankets, gloves, fuzzy socks, lotions, and more for the residents at Signature HealthCare. We will have a list at the sign-up table. We ask the items be new, and also don’t forget those handmade cards. Bring all donations to the church by Feb. 15th. Our team will be going to the nursing home on Feb. 19th at 1 pm. We would love you to join us, even if you are not in the group.
GRIEFSHARE: We will be starting a NEW community group called Griefshare. This group will focus on dealing with the loss of a loved one and offer help when you feel isolated. Griefshare group meets weekly and will help you move toward rebuilding your life. Visit this link for more info, Griefshare/HCOTC.
Griefshare begins Thursday, March 2nd, from 6:30-8 pm and will be a 12-week program. There will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer. The books are $20 each.
BASKET WEAVING: The next class is set up for March 23rd. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.
GIVING STATEMENTS: We are doing something new with our giving statements this year. On the sign-up table in the foyer, we have a basket with small cards. If you want a statement, please fill out one of the cards and drop it in the basket. Thank you.
PROJECT BIBLE RUNNERS: Church family, please bring any extra or unused Bibles to HCOTC immediately, as we are collecting them for PBR. Check out their website, Project Bible Runners, to find out more info (or to learn more about giving financial gifts for native-tongue Bibles), and follow on Facebook, PBR/FB, for Bible updates! The deadline is Sunday morning, February 26th. The Sweitzer family will be joining us as we pray over them and these Bibles!
SPRING BAPTISM: EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 9TH! Don’t miss this opportunity to be baptized on Resurrection Sunday! What a blessed time it will be. A sign-up sheet is in the foyer.
BUILDING FUND: Please remember to prayerfully consider what you would like to give toward our building payoff. Specially marked envelopes are in the sanctuary. Thank you so much! And a HUGE “Thank you!” to those that have already given!
PRAYER REQUESTS (or something to share): If you have a prayer request for the prayer team, a death in your family, a testimony, encouraging word, or an announcement to share, please send them to highlandscotc@gmail.com. If the prayer request concerns anyone other than yourself, please ensure you have that person’s permission before sharing.