IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Don’t forget, there will be NO Wednesday activities/service at HCOTC THIS Wed., Oct. 13th in observance of Fall Break. We WILL see you THIS Sunday, Oct. 17! 

WORSHIP/WORD:  Sunday Worship begins at 10:00 a.m.  The cafe will be open at 9:15 am.  Wednesday, Family Night Live starts at 6:00 p.m.  We will have a light meal at 5 p.m. (No Wed. activities or service on 10/13.)

TIME OF PRAYER:  Join us for prayer in the sanctuary Wednesdays, from 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.  Please respect individuals’ quiet, contemplative time of prayer.  Reserve conversations for outside the sanctuary.  Thank you for being considerate of others. (No Wed. activities or service on 10/13.)

IMPORTANT RESOURCES: If you are not familiar with Truth & Liberty Coalition, please visit their site and check out the vast, invaluable resources they offer. Their Biblical worldview site features a 24/7 news feed, commentaries, press releases, voting tools, prayer guides, etc. This resource is imperative for believers today. Also, an additional resource that may be very helpful for you is Liberty CounselLiberty Counsel.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Oct. 17th Mrs. Paula Sewell will be coming to briefly share about OCC during announcements. Also, our HK children will be collecting change for the OCC shoeboxes that day…so bring your extra change for the kids! This is your final opportunity to shop for those balls, small games, socks, jump ropes, small toys for boys and girls, pencil sharpeners, pencils, crayons, mini-notebooks, girls’ jewelry, etc. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20th: We need help putting together the shoe boxes. Just a few minutes of your time after service would be great! SUNDAY NOVEMBER 7TH:  AFTER SERVICE, WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO PACK THE BOXES! Put it on your calendar!

CAFE NEEDS YOUR HELP:   We can always use loving, serving, smiling helpers in our cafe. Many of our awesome cafe crew are also involved in choir, and cafe prep and choir-practice times conflict. If you would like to be part of this wonderful ministry, please sign up!

HK DEPT. NEEDS VOLUNTEERS: We NEED additional hands and hearts to join us in this awesome area…on Sundays and Wednesdays!  See Pastor Ami or sign-up at the info table.

COMMUNITY GROUPS:  Hey everyone, Community Groups are on the move!Check out the board on the wall (by cafe) to see the awesome opportunities.Diana Douglas: resuming their study, God on Mute by Pete Greig; starting Tuesdays, October 5th, 6 pm in the Cafe’ at  Highlands. Marcia Lee, new over 55 singles group: The greatest thing in the world, Walking in LoveBy Henry Drummond; Friday night 6 pm in the Cafe’ at Highlands; Date TBDKim Gove, new ladies group: Effortless Change, by Andrew Wommack; starts October 19th 9 am, at 504 Mae Dr. Jamestown; contact Kim: 931-704-4544

CELEBRATE RECOVERY: Don’t miss Celebrate Recovery each Sunday, 5 p.m., at Highlands. If you aren’t familiar with this incredible recovery group, please reach out to Billy Webb for additional information.

HIGHLANDS WEAR:  If you would like to purchase t-shirts and/or sweatshirts, visit,   

PRAYER REQUESTS: If you have any prayer requests for the prayer team (ie. death in your family; a testimony; a word; or any other announcements, pending approval), send them to If the prayer request is pertaining to anyone other than yourself, please ensure you have that person’s permission prior to sharing.