www.highlandschurchtn.org ***ATTENTION*** NEW WEB ADDRESS!!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED in Highlands Kids (HK) Dept.: If you are interested in being a part of our HK team, please fill out a card on the kids’ welcome desk or contact Pastor Ami Watson, 931-397-6732, or watsonami5@gmail.com . Positions available: Kids Welcome Desk Volunteers (greeting families and signing in children); Teachers (HK2 – ages 4-6); Teacher’s Helper/Assistant.
***UPDATE! Highlands Kids will have classes available starting September 6th. Ages 0-3 years will be in HK1 classroom. Make sure all personal items are labeled. Ages 4-12 years will be in the HK3 classroom. HK3 entry and pick up is in the cafe. Temperature checks and cleaning hands are required for entry. Please take your child to the bathroom before class starts. There will be a dismissal sign in the sanctuary after offering and announcements. Thanks for being patient during this time.
HIGHLANDS CHURCH OF THE CUMBERLANDS ANNIVERSAY: Highlands will be celebrating our 13th Anniversary on September 27th! We are so exited to celebrate and worship our King with you on this special Sunday. Save the date and don’t miss it!
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Each Sunday for the months of September and October Highlands Church of the Cumberlands will be collecting items and/or hosting small fundraisers. This mission helps spread God’s love and bless His children in a special way. To see how this small blessing can change lives go to SamaritansPurse.org. Items for September 13th: Flip-flops and/or small toys for boys. **Items can be placed in baskets under the table by the announcements.
PRAYER REQUESTS: If you have any prayer requests for the prayer team (ie. death in your family, a testimony, a word, or any other announcements-pending approval), send them to highlandscotc@gmail.com. If the prayer request is pertaining to anyone other than yourself, please ensure you have that person’s permission prior to sharing.