CAFE: Closed

TIME OF PRAYER: Join us for prayer in the sanctuary from 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.

WORSHIP: Worship and our expository study begin at 6:00 p.m..

EARLY VOTING: Early voting ends August 1st. Don’t miss this awesome opportunity to skip the lengthy wait and/or long lines and cast your vote this week.

PRAYER TIME: Remember the prayer time this Sunday, August 2nd (immediately after church; approx. 12:30) at the Fentress County Board of Education. This is an open invitation to all believers that would like to pray for our students, teachers, faculty, parents, leadership and even our homeschool families. Please make plans to join us!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED in HK Dept.: If you are interested in being a part of our HK team, please fill out a card on the kids’ welcome desk or contact Pastor Ami Watson, 931-397-6732, or . Positions available: Welcome Desk Volunteers (greeting families and signing in children); Teachers; Teacher’s Helper/Assistant.

PRAYER REQUESTS: If you have any prayer requests for the prayer team (ie. death in your family, a testimony, a word, or any other announcements-pending approval), send them to If the prayer request is pertaining to anyone other than yourself, please ensure you have that person’s permission prior to sharing.